Neptune in the 4th House ****************************************************************** This often indicates a close spiritual link with a parent or grandparent. Your childhood years are very influential, causing you to reminisce about the good old days. You enjoy the seclusion of your home, particularly if someone is around who shows tenderness towards you. Part of your personality may be too entrenched in the security of the family structure, and this can suppress your personal identity and limit your freedom. It is important in such cases to establish inner security based on reality and not on imagination. The price you pay for choosing family security over inner security will take shape in the form of sacrifices on the domestic front. In some cases, the family scene will be displaced by a special group or commune. If and when you are ready to do so, you should bring the subconscious indoctrination of childhood to the surface of your consciousness. Then you can bring about personal change. Although the public world may not be a focal point for you, it is important to carefully select the surroundings where you live-which may be near water. You might consider pursuing psychic or psychological studies because taking a broader view of the world would be favorable to your development. It may be gratifying for you to offer your home as a meeting place for meditation groups or for groups of artists and musicians. If Neptune is not well-aspected by other planets, strange goings on to do with the home are kept secret. There could be misunderstandings with family and parents. There may be a disordered domestic life where you have unrealistic expectations of other family members. If Neptune receives harmonious aspects, you may have experienced a parent as a soft, sensitive individual of great feeling with a sense for poetry and romance. You should not idolize this parent too greatly, or you could be disappointed later in life when you come to see him or her more realistically.