N. Node in the 7th House **************************************************************** This suggests a need to develop an appropriate focus on being friendly yet independent. Soul growth can occur when you develop your interaction with others to embrace cooperative and balanced relationships. Say hello to relationships and good-bye to doing what you want when you want it. This is the life where you learn to look before you leap, not that you have always been very good at it. You need to balance out your energy with a partner who has enough in common with you that you can share many wonderful experiences, perhaps even leading to marriage, if the aspects favor it. For too many recent lifetimes, you have been self-sufficient and independence has been important to you. That's fine if you want to be alone for the rest of your earthly existence, but the real growth comes when you consider the wants and needs of others with whom you form more than a casual relationship. You want very much to be loved, possibly because you did not get a whole lot of affection as a child or maybe you didn't think you needed anyone else. Well, the times, they-are-a-changing. If you want to be a part of something, you have to learn to compromise and adjust to what other people accept as appropriate social behavior. You might take dance lessons or join a social organization so that you can begin to integrate into the great society (at least, that's what LBJ called it).