Moon in the 10th House ******************* The tenth house has much to do with your activities in the outer world, as distinct from your domestic life. For many, this involves a career in some prominent or influential position. With the Moon positioned here, you are likely to be emotionally involved in your career or public activities. As such, you like to make a favorable impression on the public. Any fame may be short- or long-lived, but either way there will not be much of a private life. Your feelings about people in authority or prominence will be reflected in much the same way that the Moon is well or poorly aspected. It is possible that if as a child you were strongly dependent upon your mother's emotional and spiritual expressions, that you may take care of your mother later in life. Your gestures and conduct underline a strong identification with her. Some occupations may include teaching, nursing, and positions that allow you to relieve the worry and stress of other people.