Moon in the 8th House **************************************************************** The eighth house has much to do with your involvement with what other people own and transfer, be it possessions, big business, wills, legacies-even sex. There is also an association with mystical matters and rituals. With the Moon, your feelings and instincts interact with the affairs of this house. The extent to which the affairs of this house are exercised depends on many factors that are outside of the scope of this text. However, you will probably become emotionally involved in the deeper issues of life, death, and the afterlife. Such an interest could be in religion or psychic spirituality. Psychic abilities may focus on the affairs of this house, and such gifts will require proper training. As a child, you were probably quite sensitive to many of the supernatural vibrations at work in and around your home environment. Processing perceptions of the subliminal moods, emotions, and frustrations of your mother may have been difficult. If you still carry these experiences with you, it is important to free yourself of them. If there were early experiences in connection with sexuality or death, this is often a strong indicator that you need to understand the deeper meanings associated with such events. You like to react sensitively to the sexual or emotional desires of your partner and adapt willingly to them. You may also possess a natural ability to promote feelings of increased self-confidence in others. If you find your life to be one emotional crisis after another, the Moon is quite likely receiving some challenging aspects. Try to realize that crises and collapse often lead to a release of overwhelming forces, which can in turn cause a person to transform and grow. Try not to attach too much sentiment or possessiveness to people and objects.