Moon in the 4th House ************************************************************* The Moon is strengthened in this house and will be expressed by strong, emotive feelings and a deep nurturing sense. You tend to feel secure in your own domestic environment, where you can seek protection from the stresses of life. The choice of home is particularly important for you because of the way in which it forms much of your center. Many fourth house Moon individuals are drawn to older or more mature homes in order to maintain a sense of continuity with the past or because they are attracted to a place that has a soul. You would like to work from home, given the opportunity. For better or worse, there will be a strong link to parents and family. You identify with masculine security and material comfort from your father and nurturing comfort from your mother to a greater degree than many people are prepared to accept these days. You may still be searching for a father figure who can provide you with some stability. If by middle age you have not found your own stability and security, you should endeavor to do so. The constant change caused by restless feelings will likely generate a lot of stress-leading you to seek a new home, new land, and even relationships. This occurs because you need security to have a sense of belonging. Stomach problems are often the bodily result related to such stress. Certain events in life seem to encourage you to revert to youthful behavior. It is as if your soul wants you to be aware that you have endured restrictive behavior for too long and that now is the time for you to let yourself go for a while. You may have a strong interest in your ancestry and a desire to live near water. If you can identify and understand your feelings and feel comfortable with yourself, you will be able to embrace the spirit within as your true home.