Moon in the 2nd House **************************************************************** The Moon in this house can promote a feeling of contentment with material possessions. It also governs personal values towards money and personal goods. This is where a deeper personal attachment to material things is usually expressed. You may feel strongly sentimental about inanimate objects such as family heirlooms. Some of these objects bring back memories of important people and events in your life. You may also feel an affinity for antiques and old memorabilia. According to your mood, you can be mean or generous (children with a Moon in this house should be positively encouraged to share their toys with friends). Some may experience a constantly changing financial situation, often due to the phases of the Moon. You could find yourself in occupations such as banking, the food or hotel industry, or similar public service activities. If you find yourself placing too much emphasis on material things, use your inner sensitivity and instinctive receptivity to administer to the needs of others. Thus you will embrace a higher spiritual purpose in rising above materialistic needs.