Moon in the 1st House ****************** Any planet in the first house tends to be strengthened and even more so if it is close to the Ascendant. As the Moon represents your instincts and feelings, they are likely to be quite stimulated. You will likely possess a sensitive demeanor which is readily noticed by others. Also, many people probably find quite attractive your receptive and innocent demeanor. Unless the Moon is afflicted, you will probably have a close relationship with your mother or a mother figure; its placement in this house tends to bring about harmony with the matriarchal principle and with your immediate surroundings. The effect for some, however, is over-dependency on others. Should this be the case, learn how to sense and interpret the responses from others in an objective manner. There can be an even greater challenge if the Moon is afflicted. Some Moon challenges in this house can result in your having had a difficult birth. In life, you may find that limited reasoning gives way to tenacity and obsessive dependence. Try to focus on developing your reasoning skills as best you can. With a Moon well-aspected by other planets, you should possess an inherent awareness that enables you to know how to react in most situations. This is because you sense opportunities, foresee dangers, and are able to perceive hidden events. If you focus on the higher mind, you will grow spiritually, becoming more independent and balanced.