Mercury in the 11th House ******************************************************************* This is the house of friends, clubs, societies, and higher consciousness. The contacts that you make in this area are mental ones rather than emotional. Such intellectual friendships expand knowledge of yourself and the world. The security or enjoyment which comes from being with other people stimulates your learning. The social environment is a source of refreshing ideas from others. You like to ponder the various ways in which the conditions of society could be improved. Whatever the link you may form to a particular group or organization, you consider a group stronger than the individual. Should you hold a position of authority in a group, be mindful of the interests of all group members. If the planet Mercury in the eleventh house receives challenging aspects from other planets, you may have a tendency to be hypercritical and cynical of the motives of others. On the other hand, too much responsibility may induce mental strain or a slump in your involvement. Should this be the case, try to balance your perception through meditation or prayer.