Mercury in the 6th House ******************** On a practical level, Mercury's placement in the sixth house is strengthened. You seem to be constantly energized by the duties of the day. Hygiene, food, health, and work have a greater focus than for most people. You are highly sensitive to the tensions which surround you, and this may induce unnecessary worry. Should you be prone to anxiety, try taking up relaxation exercises or a form of grounding meditation, which can help counteract any physical and mental overexertion. The sixth house indicates how you use your time, and with Mercury placed here its effect is more practical. Thus, you may feel more comfortable with certain routine work such as clerical and secretarial. Working in the service of others or with nature is recommended if you have strange illnesses. Often, such problems are the result of insufficient self-esteem or applying yourself in an area that is not suited for you. It is important that you set priorities and try to balance your involvement with the task in hand and time spent with others. Avoid any sort of gossip and seek your own truth. Take reasonable care of your physical senses and remember that an over-zealous drive for perfection is equivalent to frustration!