Mars in the 6th House ***************** Mars in this house may manifest itself in many different ways. At a fundamental level it's a question of dealing with the daily duties that are a necessary part of preserving one's existence. You see everything you do as a reflection of yourself and are therefore ambitious to carry out any task thoroughly. In carrying out your daily tasks, you find that it is important to be independent and self-determining. Accordingly, you should avail yourself at every opportunity to develop new skills because you find it very satisfying to solve seemingly unsolvable tasks. You see your body as a vehicle for self-expression and a means of displaying strength. Consequently, you invest much effort into caring for your body, even if your interest in these activities sometimes seems exaggerated. You may experience certain problems working as part of a team because you are a hard and conscientious worker, and you often expect too much from your associates. You won't be told what to do by anyone and run the risk of inconsiderately trampling on your colleagues from time to time. Generally speaking, you prefer to do things under your own steam, although you would certainly fight for the rights of a colleague whom you felt had been badly treated. You have a desire to complete tasks very quickly, and consequently, you run the risk of overexerting your body. Quite apart from the fact that you dash from one thing to the next to the point of exhaustion, there is a danger that such haste, combined with an inner turmoil, will lead to problems of coordination. Headaches are an indication that you are directing your pent up aggressions against your own body. Be sure to pay attention to feelings and signals, which you sense very strongly at a physical level, if you want to avoid a state of nervous tension. There are many excellent techniques for relaxation and meditation, which would enable you to bring more peace into your life if you so desire it.