Mars in the 3rd House ***************** This infers an aggressive keenness with respect to educational or literary pursuits. You like to gain the attention of others by projecting your views and opinions. Persons with this placement often have a lively mind and a quick wit. However, you may have some difficulty in expressing your feelings. If your intellect and emotions appear to collide, try to be a little more tactful and aim to strike a balance with rational and sensitive forms of expression. With this placement, there is sometimes the danger of overwhelming those around you with your thoughts, although you are capable of inspiring others into activity. In one way your intellect acts like a sharp knife, and it may be very useful if handled correctly, but if you are careless with it, it can be dangerous and destructive for all concerned. Whatever planetary aspects to Mars exist, it's up to you how you use your intellectual capabilities. You tend to investigate a number of topics and somehow make them more interesting. You also feel a need to talk about or write down everything that moves you; writing things down helps to release some of your pent up energies. When somebody has annoyed you, it would be advisable to write them an angry letter but do not forget to tear it up before you send it. If you have a tendency for restlessness or suffer from nervous tension, you should try to gain more self-control and perhaps to burn up excess energy through sport. You were probably something of a vigilante in youth, particularly if siblings needed protection. You always seem to be on-the-go and may be perceived as a risk taker.