Jupiter in the 6th House ****************** The sixth house is concerned with health, adapting to the necessities, and coping with everyday activities and routines. With Jupiter well-aspected by other planets, you will experience plentiful and lucrative work. You feel satisfied and content by developing and refining your talents. You are proud of what you achieve at work, which might involve the travel industry or advertising, and you put a lot of energy into carrying out your duties. Although you may be of the opinion that things can only be done right if you do them yourself, your contact with workers will be congenial and beneficial. Should you take on too many responsibilities and abuse your body, you will likely suffer health problems. You seek to find a purpose in life by serving or trying to help others. Whatever manner you choose to spend your time, you always make the best of things. It is possible that you ardently pursue health matters or strive to remold your body into a better receptacle for your spirit. Perhaps you see illness as the only means of justifying demands for attention. With Jupiter in the sixth house you are more or less forced to grow, expand, and develop in various areas of life. If for some reason you do not manage to do this, your body may react with tensions or begin to show symptoms of illness. Fortunately it will not be difficult for you to understand the symbolic meaning of illness and to incorporate it into the overriding patterns in your life. In the course of your recovery, you may fundamentally change your way of life and your philosophy. As a result, you are in a position to encourage others to look for constructive opportunities for self-help.