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Apex the Omega Skrull

Apex the Omega Skrull

F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Ex20
I) Mn75
P) Am50

Health: 325 Karma: 145
Resources: Rm Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Power Cosmic: ability to channel and manipulate cosmic energy with Un abilities. Includes following power stunts:
-Power Blasts: Un, Raise a single ability score (his or anothers) to Un for 1-10 rounds. If the ability is Un already, it may be raised to Sh-X on a Yellow FEAT
-Healing: Up to Un damage
-Persieve any energy source
-True Flight: CL5000 airspeed, Sh-Z airspeed in atmosphere
Body Armor: Mn, may increase it to Un for 1-10 rounds
Invunerable to Heat and Cold
Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to breathe, can survive in space


Talents: Space Navigation, Martial Arts D

Contacts: None