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Mackenzie Summers

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Poetry of Mine
The Poetry of Amber Barron
Random Thoughts
Fav Songs of Mine
My Writings
Old Pictures

Hey, I'm cassie and i live in a small town in michigan. I'm now attending Ferris State University. My life is pretty weird. I write poems and i love to sing. I wish i could sing good but hey, its alright. I love dancing and partying and all in all having fun. Rollerblading is one of my sports, but i can't blade much for three reasons, one-have no where to skate, two-i never have any time, three-knee surgery. Anyways, i play softball and i wanted to play varsity football, but a knee injury made me part of our vasity football management team. I'm going to school to become a English/Math teacher for high school. Just to let you know a little about me: I'm my own person, i do what i think is right, and i speak of what is on my mind. My style of clothing is my own. I don't care what people think and i think its wrong for a person to judge another just by the way they look. My religious beliefs are this, i believe in God, but i don't believe in the bible or organized religion. I'm telling the honest truth about myself and if you actually want to talk to me, you can talk to me on aol instant messanger. My screen name is Cassie1502. My poetry reflects my feelings on my life and the things happening in the world. My future plans are to become a teacher, a singer, a poet, and a photographer. As i've said before, in different words, its what you have inside you heart that matters. This world is so materialistic that some people don't look beyond the outer layer. That is why when i talk to someone, i look into their eyes, to see their soul, their feelings. Now, i'd like to say some stuff to some of my closest friends and the people who inspire me. They all mean a lot to me and i have to be thankful they are my friends. Sharnah, my best friend forever, you'll always be in my heart and you can always come to me for anything, you know that. Grandma, I know you're gone, but you're in my heart, i know you can see me, and hear me, I want you to know that i love you and miss you and that you've taught me a lot of things and you've made me into the person i am today, thank you. Kirk, my love, my life, my man; I love you and i miss you so much, i'm coming home to you babe. Jeremy, you know she's my best bud, be careful with her, she's fragile, but i'm always here to pick up the pieces when you happen to accidentally break one off, love ya. Ryan, see life as a blessing, look at your heart as a temple, believe in what you will, but there is always someone who loves you, she'll find out soon. Russ, I know life sucks, but no matter what happens, see the good in it, take pride in what you are, smile at what you love, be kind to those who care, but always remember i'm here, my ears are open and i'm ready to listen. Kacey, your fanatic signing has always got me to laugh and now is no different, i'm glad we're friends, you're awesome, i miss you. Katie, pick up your "pen" before the teacher sees ya :) i'm glad we had that class together, it got me to know a wonderful person and i'm happy you're here, you're a smile in the dark, always be happy and i miss you. Amber, you've been a great friend, you can always make me smile, i love your poems and i'm proud you've allowed me to put them up on my page, love ya girlie. Sara, your weirdness is contagious, thanks for being there, i know we'll make the best of the time we have. Sarah, love your bug, you're a great friend and you're always there to make me laugh, i appreciate that, love ya dearly, i hope your life is everything you dream. Lina, my sister, we've had our fights and bad times, but you know i love you and we can get through anything that stands in our way, someday we'll have that music career and be truly happy. For my new friends: Scott, the guy from upstairs, you're always there when i need to vent, thanks bud. Sarah, my roommate, you're adorable and sweet, i love having you around. Zach, my new bud, you're there to make me smile and look up, hope we can spend more time together. Thanks all of you. You've all touched my heart in ways no ordinary person could, you're all my friends. Believe in the magic that has left this world, the magic of dreams and love that bind our hearts forever and the miracles that bind our souls together.


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