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Welcome to Kaleidoscope - Click to Enter

Just imagine it. A beautiful silver kaleidoscope. The body is shiny and its length unharmed. You pick it up carefully, knowing that it's a very fragile instrument. In amazement, you hold it to your eye and what you see inside is even more spectacular than the perfect cylinder you were just admiring. There they are - all the colors of the rainbow - tossing and turning at your whim. Each new turn brings out a new image, a new mixture that sets you in awe.

This website is nothing like that! This is simply the venue that four girls and two poor defenseless guys (who we bound and gagged to make them do this) decided to display our freedom of expression. Beautiful thing, isn't it? We thought so too. On this site you will find a little bit of everything - all the colors of the rainbow. There are pages dedicated to wrestlers, musicians, opinion columns, TV reports and much, much more. So, take a look around. Explore all the links. And, have a good time making your way around our kaleidoscope!