K-Pop News/Info Pagiee!

Hiee!! Welcumz! Welcumz! Hellow! hehe~ anyways, welcums to meh K-Pop Info/News pagiee! Ish a pagiee for ONLY info/news, and rumors (if big) about korean gasoos! Juss so ppl won't be asking "Wut? Wut happened? Huh? Who?" ect, hehe~ Not that its a bad thing, but mine as well make a pagiee for it? hehe~ So if u hab any questions or anything bout anything, juss post on meh forum, and ill probably either write it up here (unless your the only one wondering) or post it in meh forum! This is juss to hab sum fun~ =T Oh, and please remember..not ALL of this is true..or it mite..but ya never kno..ya kno how rumors can spread..i juss post up wut i hear.. =T

November 14th-99
H.o.T banned? 012? Excuse me?! ---first artical---


"H.o.T Banned? 012? Excuse me?!"

It was to be heard that H.o.T will be banned from the music business. Y? Becuz they have copied American music. Yeah, alot of Korean Groups do that, but H.o.T do it A LOT, unlike the other groups who do it maybe once or twice.

"Wut happened to Hee Jun, the leader of H.o.T, when they were performing? Injured? Wut~!?"

It has also been in the paper that Hee Jun oppa hurt his head. Immediately after his fall, he continued his song and after the song, he went back on to sing Go H.O.T and he had unbearable pain and when the song was over, his left leg even went paralyzed. While watching her son scream in pain, Junie oppa's mom bursted in tears. Throughout the whole concert, the fans yelled.."Byung Won Gah!" (Go to the hospital) but he refused until the end. And when he came out to say Goodbye, he fainted and they had to drag him off stage because they didn't want to put any pressure on his back.

There cum'back will be held: Oct 14th or 16th! =D
Hee Jun oppa got out of the hospital, which means he oki!! =DD hehe~ every budy happpy now! =) CLUB HOT's Head President took him out of the hospital.. He's up and running again..=D hehe~ happi for him everybudy! <~ that sounded FOB! =P

Answers #2:
"Eh? Wut happened now?"

Hee Jun is back in the hospital..He's not eating or doing anything but crying and blaming the death of the girl on himself (the girl who commited suicide...Rest of the members are terribly sick. Tony can't even recognize anyone and refuses to speak. Jo Sung Mo went and visited Hee Jun in the hospital (how sweet~) and they cried..Jo Sung Mo cried..and he brought Hee Jun flowers. This is serious.. All 3 major TV stations in Korea are starting somewhat of a Kill HOT thing....I've read so many posts that said that they wanted to committ suicide in HOT forums today its not even funny...

"A girl? Committed wut~!??"

A girl committed suicide while in depression because of Hee Jun. She had been in depression because of the Kan Mi Youn of Baby Vox and Hee Jun thing and now this, she jumped off a apartment building and died.
So now, please pray for Hee Jun..they're com'back has moved into a later date cuz of Hee Jun's accident.

"Park Ji Yoon wit Kang Ta? WUT~!?"

About Park Ji Yoon, people are already saying that she's gonna be the next Kan Mi Youn. Oh yea, I read this somewhere..the police checked the DNA of the blood on the letter and it matched Kan Mi Youn's DNA..Park Ji Yoon and Kangta are going out.The managers said..
#2: On the radio, JiYoon liked KangTa before she was a singer and when she did become a singer she confronted KangTa and they said they are very "deeply" in love..

"Eun Ji Won hurt his?? Wut happened now? Is he ok~!?"


Eun Ji Won injured his left ankle while performing 'Comeback' at '99 Hangook Super Elite Model Competition, which was held in Seul Seh Jong Moon Hwah Hweh Gwahn Dae Gang Dong on the 17th. At the time he thought it was a sample injury, but when he checked the next day, his injury worsen. As a result, on the 18th he had to have a emergency treatment done on the angkle. The X-ray shows that nothing is wrong with the bones, but there is something wrong with the cartilage. They won't have the full result of his condition until the MRI and CT results come in, which will be on the 20th (that would be today). This is his third time injuring his left ankle, so it doesn't look like it's going to heal very easily.

"R all the members ob H.o.T sick?"

Uhmm..well..Kang Ta has been crying all day (??) and Jae Won refuses to speak. And Tony seems to not be able to notice who ppl r and won't talk..no news on Woo Hyuk tho..so..

"Wut happened to Kan Mi Yun?"

Well supposedly...some girl got worked up about what she said about knowing heejun and having lunch w/ him a few times and slashed her on the arm with a razor..

"Knives? Eh..tony?"

A couple of days ago, Tony was attacked by a knief thrown at him by a Baby Vox fan..

"Man! Is Shin Hwa hurt too~!??"

Yes..actually they r..Hye Sungie and Min Woo have been coughing up blood, Jini Oppa has a sweating problem when he sleeps~ but Andy and Dong Wan r oki..remember, Eric has/had a spranged/broken ankel?

"Wut happened at Lotte World?"

Well there was this guy and girl, and they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Well they went to Lotte world together, and went on the Gyro Drop: Thats where this thing goes up, and then like, zooms down, kinda like Tower of Terror) Well this girl had really long hair. And when they were up high, the girls hair got caught on sumthing (i have no clue wut) Well the girl started screaming, but the ppl around her had no clue, because they thought that she was only yelling because she was having fun or sumthing. Well, ZOOOOOM! The machine like thing zoomed down. The girls hair, had pulled off the girls scalp/whole face skin, and then she died (??) The boyfriend is in this mental institution thing. (He was watching the camera thing, where they have it showing the ride going down)

"Ryu Shi Won + Yuri!?!?!"

RhuShiWon and SungYuRi are dating!!! I kno for a fact.. Well anyways if you don't knoe LeeGeeSang he's a sort of MC VJ DJ kinda person ... Anyways back to the point ... He knoes all the stars and stuff since he's one himself =P ... So he knoes Shi Won oppa and he said he knew for a fact that YuRi and he were going out ... And as for KangTa and JiYoon ... GeeSang oppa sounded a little reluctant to talk about him cause they're friends but he said that itsh troo that KangTa and JiYoon are friends and kick it together but he doesn't knoe if it goes any further than that ... Oh yeah and I knoe this cause he's staying over mai friend's house while he stays in LA for awhile ^^ Hope that answers some questions who were curious about the KangTa thing ... This also came out in the Star Newspapers in L.A ((this was frum my friend, Eun Young unni..it was a post frum the KmH forum! Cuz i have no clue who this GeeSang person ish..hehe =I)

Eric + Hyori???

This person friend who is a total hangout claims he Saw shinhwa in New York~ He said Eric and Andy were chillin in k-town late Saturday nighT 2 or three in da mOrning, near penn stAtion. and Eric was makIn out wit sum girl who looked like Hyo ri from Finkl. (But wouldn't Hyori be in Korea?)

SM entertainment banned frum T.V~!??"

Lee soo man from SM entertainment might get sacked from his posistion beacause the tv stations (SBS) became mad at them for rejecting too much just because they have the top gasoos so the entertainment company This was in another article, and it means that if he gets sacked hot ses and shinhwa will get effectd badly. All 3 tv stations (KBS SBS MBC) want to ban/stop them (hot ses and shinhwa) from appearimg on tv. =/

"Hyori fell off stage~!??? WUT~!?"

On October 2, at the Speed 012 Millenium Concert, FinKL performed Youngwonhan Sarang, and was supposed to continue with Jajonshim, but Lee Hyori fell off the stage, 2 meters, to the ground below, and hurt her leg. The manager piggy-backed her backstage, and she's not hurt seriously, and Daesung has told fans not to worry too much.

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Ish meh K-Pop Mujik Forum! =D

Email: myung_hee_ah@hotmail.com