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Unincorporated nonprofit (501 (c) (3) ) pending By-Laws



Section 1.1. (Name)

The name of this organization shall be the Husted Family National Assoc., and it shall hereinafter be referred to throughout these by-Laws as the “Corporation”.

Section 1.2. (Purposes)

The Corporation shall endeavor to be a broad- based Coalition that is a world-wide genealogical association specializing in the Husted family. This organization is attempting to point out the great many things we have inherited from our parents and grandparents, going back to the time of 1635 when one of our immigrant ancestor made that hazardous trip to America.

a. Establish and keep an active genealogy dept. for the updating Husted family trees and putting the information out in the form of CD’s and books.

b. HFNA also hosts a national reunion every year; we also assist with planning. and publicity for local Husted family reunions. Our national reunions every year feature workshops and seminars on various aspects of genealogy.

c. Build and maintain a web site with family news, genealogy and history on the Husted family.

d. Print and publish a eight to twelve page news brief on family events, genealogy and history.

e. Work with kids by having camping where the family can share time in the woods Where they can go fishing. boating, and play games.

Section 1.3. (Classes of Members.)

There shall be one class of Members of the Corporation.

Section 1.4. (Election of Members and Duration of Membership.)

The charter Member or Members of the Corporation shall consist of those individuals who are members at the time of adoption of these bylaws. Qualifications for membership may from time be established by a two-thirds majority of the Board.

Section 1.5. (Resignations.)

A Member may resign his or her membership at any time by written instrument delivered to the Corporation, at its principal office or to any officer of the Corporation, effective upon receipt unless it is specified to be effective at some other time or upon the happening of some other event.
