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Herron's Hockey Page

Grand Rapids River Rats

The Grand Rapids River Rats are currently a team without a league. The River Rats are currently looking for a good, hard-hitting, teeth gnawing, ice-brawling league. A league where the Rats will feel welcome. A place where they can play good ol' traditional hockey.

As you can see, the Rats have a GM who is willing to work hard and put in the time and effort it takes to put a successful team on the ice.

General Manager Steve Herron has limited experience. He joined a very unorganized league last year. After the league kept changing the rules and the way the game was played, the River Rats folded their operation. The Rats like a stable, well-managed environment to call home.

If you are in need of a devoted GM and want a good solid team like the River Rats, e-mail GM Herron at

History of the GR River Rats

Back in the day the city of Grand Rapids was known as the Rat poison captial of the world. More rat poison was made in the city than anywhere else. But then the River Rats came to town and the city on the Grand has never been the same.

The River Rats crept into town late one night and took over a dingy, dark place known as Stadium Arena. Here the Rats would scurry around the ice at night. Knocking skulls, cracking teeth, and slashing with their tails. But the good people of Grand Rapids didn't take kindly to the Rats. The people thought them to be too scrappy, too goonish, too much like rats. And so the city of Grand Rapids sent out a call to the International Hockey League and in flew the Owls.

If you know anything about prey and predators you know that Owls and River Rats don't get along. The owls swooped into Stadium Arena and took over the Rats' territory. So the River Rats did what Rats do best. They crept away in the middle of the night searching for a more safe place to play.

Now, here it is many years later and the Rats are still on the ice while the Owls have frozen to death. The Rats now play in a new home, the Delta Plex. Sure, the lights are bright and the place is clean, but behind the walls in the laundry room it is dark and damp. A perfect spot for us River Rats.

Dark. Damp. Dirty. Everything a Rat needs to call home.

All we need now is a league and teams to play.

Where the Rats like to play...

Our brother Rats in Albany
Grand Rapids' other team
NHL - No Rats but it's okay
The Sens.... Canadian Rats play the best hockey
Rats like hockey nuts.