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VIAJE A ESPANA : Timelines and how we spent each day


When Haris and I arrived to Spain, we went to MOLINO del Sol, which is a very pleasant hotel. It was very clean and nice and not expensive. we paid about $32 for bed and breakfast, per person. We decided to sleep there for 3 days, so we paid about $100 for three nights and three breakfasts. Malaga was a nice and old city on the sunny coast.

When we got some rest, we already were ready to explore Spain. I must admit, I was very curious about all the things we saw.

We walked for about half an hour to The Old Town which was surrounded by the ruins of an old Arab wall with narrow streets, old churches, etc. Also, we visited the Orange Square, which was right next to the old town. It took us about two ours or so to see everything and we really enjoyed it.

We hiked back to the hotel and got prepared to go to The Theater Festival at Málaga. We stayed there for two hours. It was great. I spent $14 for a piece of stone with my name engraved in it.

After that, we went back to the hotel and ordered a pizza from Comepizza, because we didn't like Spanish food. Pizza was 1200 pesetas, or $7. We ate it all up and fell asleep...


We had breakfast at 11 a.m. because that's when we actually woke up. We both thought that it would be nice if we could go swim a little in the pool that was owned by the hotel. They charged us extra $5, per person, because pool was owned by someone else. After that, we bought some ice-cream for couple of bucks, not more than $4 and we took a cab to the King Fahiad Gardens. Cab driver charged us whole $25. It was a 45 minutes long ride. In Kings Gardens, there are many beautiful things to see. As day was getting hot, we decided to buy some soda and cool ourselves. Medium glass of soda was $3.

When we saw almost everything there, we took a taxi again and went back to Malaga downtown where we visited Plaza Merced, a museum of Pablo Picaso. That was his birth place and all his works where in that museum. Admission to the museum was $11. We spent 2 hrs there, and the time was actually flying.

We hiked back to the hotel because it wasn't very far from the downtown and we took our towels, and swimming clothes and headed to the beach where we stayed for 2 hrs.

After the beach, we walked back to the hotel and fell asleep right after each one of us took a shower...


After breakfast, we went to the beach, walking. After two hours spent there, we went to a fast food restaurant and ate there for $5. After almost an hour, we went back to the beach and rented a small boat for $10 and we sailed around.

At 3 p.m. we took a bus to one of the parks that was in the mountains. We paid entrance fee $2 and sodas and ice cream were $5 all together. We stayed there late and than went to the Italian restaurant that was about one mile away from Molino Hotel. We ate there for $15, and of course I didn't eat all of it. During the dinner, we talked about where to go next, so we decided to go to Sevilla the next day...


Breakfast at 8 a.m... We packed everything and headed to the bus station which is about 2 away from the hotel. We took a bus to Sevilla, and it was only $10 per person, and Sevilla was pretty far from Malaga.

We rented a double room in La Hosteria del Laurel, which is one of the inexpensive hotels. It costs $43, but when we split it on two us, it's affordable. Then, each one pays $21.

After a short nap, we went to the cafeteria and ate our breakfasts. It's $4 per person.

Than we walked to the downtown Sevilla, and we got to the Plaza de Espana, which is a large "Fair of Americas". There, we visited a museum of bullfighters equipped with the bullfighting equipment.

A lunch at one of the restaurants costs $7, and it's very nice and enough for everybody... Than we went back to the hotel and swam in its pool, which was free this time. Dinner was served at 7 p.m. and it was $5. After a walk, we went to sleep.


This morning, after my $4 breakfast, I start packing up my back pack for some real hiking. We're going to the Zoo, which is on the other side of Sevilla.

We paid entrance fee of $10 and enjoyed watching all those animals, some of them even dressed in traditional Spanish clothing. After two hours, we went to the fast food restaurant that was nearby and bought hot dogs and pops for $4.

Another great attraction was on the sight: Patio de Los Naranjos, a place where the mosque was. Now its a part of a cathedral, actually a park.

We decided not to spend any money on taxies, and we walked back to the hotel. It was already sunset, and we started getting prepared for going out to one of many cafes on the coast. For the rest of the day, I've spent $30. $20 on gifts and $10 on drinks and little food we had.

This was our second day in Sevilla, and we wanted to stay there for a little longer...


This time, we woke up to late, and we didn't have time for the breakfast, so we decided to go right to the bullfight that was supposed to happen at noon. It was in one big arena, so just to get in, we had to pay $3. The bullfight was really a great experience for both of us. We spent another $2 for the red bands around the neck, just because everyone else was wearing one.

After the bullfight, we went to our favorite place, The Beach ! Like always, we spent about $7 on ice-cream and pops, and $10 on lunch, because we didn't have any breakfast, so we were very hungry.

This night, we decided to go to the theater where we watched a play about Bullfighters. In total, I spent $27 and went back to the hotel, happily...


We woke up early and had a breakfast. This time we spent $2 more than usual because we took some extra food to eat and some ice-cream again.

This time, we decided to "move" again, and the best place that was on our mind was Cordoba. It wasn't very far, but we couldn't get there walking, so we took a taxi and paid it $15 to get there.

We had to rent two rooms because they didn't have any bigger rooms in this hotel, and, of course, we wanted to save some money for later...

We stayed at the Santana hotel, and our rooms cost $30 per night, including breakfast.

Same day, we went to the center of the city, where stands an old mosque. Probably from the 10th century. Its name is Mezquita.

When we were done looking at the beauty of the old walls that were all around the mosque. Of course, we ate ice-cream that we paid more than ever before, $8!

In previous cities, we saved a good amount of money, so this time, we went out to a restaurant for a little more expensive dinner. We went to Taberna Santa Clara, one of the most popular restaurants in Cordoba. Dinner cost $80, but it was worth it.

After that, we went to a smaller museum that was on our way to the hotel. It was a fine arts museum, and entrance was free. Its name is HOSPITAL DE LA CARIDAD. From there, we went straight back to the hotel and had dinner there. I spent $5 for it, and the total amount that I spent today is $110, excluding the price of the hotel.


After we ate our breakfast and bought some candy, we went to the soccer game in downtown. We paid $5 to enter the stadium and $5 for more candy and peanuts.

Than, we went to the Cordoba cafe and had a lunch for $7. There, we also played some video games and pool, and there, I spent about $5.

We than went to the city aquarium, where they have all kinds of fish from seas and oceans. I paid $2 to enter and $25 on a key chain. Expensive but nice...

Later, we went to some kind of mall where they have everything, from traditional clothes and things, to modern technology. There, I bought a T-shirt that says "ANDALUCIA". I paid $15 for that shirt. Also, I bought a sombrero for $8. I kind of liked those. We ate dinner at 8 p.m. and paid it $20. Than we went back to the hotel to get some sleep.


Again, I spent $3 more after breakfast, and again, for candy and peanuts. We couldn't do much that morning because it was rainy outside. We had to pay $10 to stay at the hotel, in fact to use their TV set because we wanted to rent some movies. We rented spanish movie with English translation and paid about $5 for the movie and for the popcorn that we bought at the hotel.

DAY 10

Cordoba is a nice town, so we decided to stay one more day, and we had to pay extra $30 for one more night.

Later, we went to the cafe that was nearby the hotel and again played some games. Young tourists were there. There, I spent about $10 for the games and pops, because we stayed there for a long time, because it was still raining.

When it stopped raining, we went out to buy a map, because we wanted to go to Granada, which was on south of Cordoba... Map cost $5.

DAY 11

Granada Hotel! $100 for 4 nights including breakfasts! We went to Alhambra, a chain of palaces. That was very exciting and interesting. I bought a camera and took pictures of almost everyting. I spent $50 for a camera and $10 for two films.

After that, we had a lunch at RUFINO, which was a restaurant in a town called Salobrena. It was a very pleasant town, and we got there by a taxi. Taxi and lunch cost us $40.

That day was a carnival in Salobrena. It was a day of Andalucia, so during the festival, I spent about $100. I bought ice-creams, pops, a silver chain, a had with "Salobrena" written on it, and other things...

A taxi to get back to the hotel was $30.

DAY 12

I spent a lot of money last day, so I had to count the rest. I had $1290, and I really didn't know what to do with them...

Today, we ate breakfast for $10 and lunch for $30. We went to the beach and rented a boat. It cost $30 for half an hour.

The greatest thing was that we could go skiing ! On skiing, we paid $30 for a taxi, $15 for all the food we ate there, and ski equpiment was $40.

We were very tired, so we paid another $30 bucks for the taxi and went back to the hotel, where we ate dinner. DINNER was $30. Great !

The next day, we went to Las Alpujarras, which was a heaven for hikers.

Food cost us $5 and we hiked almost whole day. After that, we ordered a cab, paid $10 to get us to the restaurant where we had a nice dinner for $20.

A taxi that took us back to the hotel was only $10.

DAY 13

Breakfast: $10, another t-shirt $25, a big bullfighter poster: $10... That was about everything I bought that day. For lunch and dinner, I spent $30 together...

We had one more day to enjoy, and than we had to go back home.

DAY 14

Our flight was at 8 p.m. so we had some time to enjoy...

We ate breakfast and went to the store where I bought a neckless, a watch, and another sombrero, for my friends... Everything rounded up to $150.

We went back to the hotel and swam a little in the pool. Than, we packed our bags and we went to the bus station. We had to go all the way back to Malaga, so we had about good hour and a half to travel to get to the airport. Bus cost $40 and we were ready to go home...

On the airport, I spent about $5 on magazins that I wanted to read while on the plane...