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This is on of my fave articles, because my aunt ( wrote it!

Hanson's Back

It's been all over the news in the last few weeks-Hanson's back, with a new CD out in May. Last week the group started its big publicity push with interviews on Access Hollywood, The Late Show, and probably a lot of other shows across the nation.

The interviews had all of the usual info, about what's new in their lives, their new look (haircuts for Ike and Tay), and most of all their new sound, which has a harder edge than their earlier pop stuff.

But the interviews also had something else in common: they wrongly criticized the trio for dropping out of their fans' sight for a couple of years. Both Access Hollywood and The Late Show hinted that groups like the Backstreet Boys have slipped in during Hanson's absence and stolen their fans. They also asked whether it's too late for Hanson to make a comeback.

WRONG! Any group that has good music to offer won't have a problem attracting fans. Plus, despite a couple of years' time, Hanson still has a lot of loyal fans (just ask Kim and Marissa, to name two!) And their new older sound is great to keep pace with their loyal fans' ages.

The interviewers need to realize that it takes time to come up with completely original music, especially a new sound. Also, it's OK for Hanson to take some time to themselves to be kids and have fun (OK, maybe Ike isn't a kid anymore).

So Slick's Pick for the week is: Ignore the worries about Hanson's comeback. They'll be back, and stronger than ever.

PS-It was announced this week that two of the Backstreet Boys will be getting married. No such worries for Hanson-Tay and Zac are too young and Ike...well, probably not any time soon. This has broken up other groups like the Spice Girls in the past. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

A Grammy in Hanson's Future?

This week the Grammy Awards recognized the best groups and solo artists in the music industry. Hanson wasn't there this year, but look out in 2001. If the previews are an indication, their new album coming out this spring is HOT. It may well win the trio a Grammy in 2001.

Hanson has featured five clips from the new album on their web site. All five could be big hits, and they all show the more mature sound Hanson has developed over the past couple of years.

Dyin' To Be Alive has a great beat, with nice harmonies, while In The City pulses with Zac's drumming talents and the harder edge that has catapulted Hanson from a pre-teen pop group into a real rock band. If Only has an easier feel, with harmonies reminiscent of the group's first big hit, Mmm Bop.

In TTA, Tay's keyboard talents really shine in the ballad's intro. Ike shows off his guitar skills in Save Me, which also has great lyrics.

Overall, these five cuts show the wide range of mood Hanson can perform, which is crucial for any band aspiring to a Grammy. Check them out at (

Hanson's New Video Is Tops!

WOW! That's the only way to describe Hanson's new video "This Time Around," which debuted on MTV last Monday. As expected, the song is great, with both catchy lyrics and a strong beat.

But the staging of the video is truly outstanding. Set in a historic hotel, the video features the Fabulous Three performing while a bunch of teens dance and party. There are lots of good close-ups, particularly while Ike and Tay do their solos. But Zac isn't left out; the camera pans to him a lot, showing how much more mature he's become since their last video.

Hanson had a lot of input in planning the video. In fact, Tay could consider a future career directing videos, since he had so much input with the director during production.

Slick's Pick of the Week: "This Time Around"-it's enough to wake Marissa up! Check it out on MTV. And go to MTV's web site to vote for it as best video. It's already rising quickly in the rankings.