Gifts For You

This is pretty self-explanitory. These are for you. Feel free to take them.

I noticed lately that a lot of sites have book marks. I thought that was a cute idea. But before I do that (which I'm not sure I will yet), I wanted to have something of my own to give. After looking at several sites, I noticed that I didn't see the idea of "Postcards". So, as far as I know, this was my idea. Don't you ever get sick of those plain blah post cards that only say "wish you here" on them. Well here's an alternative. Click on a link. And print these babies out, cut them, paste them on cardboard so they have the feel of an actual postcard. Let the paste dry, write a message on the back on the left side. On the bottom right side, write the address and then on top of that, in the corner, put on a stamp and send it out. Enjoy!


Postcard #1 (Ben Affleck)
Postcard #2 (*N Sync)
Postcard #3 (Kate Beckinsale)
Postcard #4 (Josh Hartnett)
Postcard #5 (Aaliyah)

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