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Hi! Welcome to The Pixie Goddess. This is my site about me. In things to see, you can see my other works of web-art, and some of my other stuff. sign and veiw are self explanitory. Who am i contain facts about me, and more things are links to some of my favorite sites on the web.

I wanna say thank you to:

My friends for being there, making me feel special when the ask me about websites and compliment me on my art and acting ~ Swati, Heather, Lolo, Nicole, Vrinda, Shilo, Aimee, Jody, Megan, Katy, Liz, Andrea, Mary, Carly, Carla, and all you other folks! thanx a bunch! luv ya!

My OL friends for just dealing with my traumas that they really don't have to deal with and just knowing me and all ~ Marsy, Chibi, Mamo, Kitty, Slash, Skittles, Fatguy, Bubbles, Asu-Chan, Taru, Luna, Svena, Cha-chica, and everyone else! hi!

Shilo and Aimee for getting me into anime, hey chicas, without you, what would i draw?

Synod School Peeps for just being there and having a blast all week ~ Lindsay, Heidi, Krista, Katy, Becky, Kelsey, Maeve, and i guess Ben. I better see you all next year!

Shilo! Please don't be mad at me! You truely are the Anime Goddess!