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When the sun sets and shadows claim dominion of this capital city and its suburbs, another world makes itself known, one where ancient horrors and unfathomable intrigues are commonplace and mortal man is little more than a source of nourishment for hungry predators that stalk the night.

The city transforms itself under the miasmal gloom from a modern jewel of civility, power and national culture to one decidedly less wholesome. Gothic and medieval elements stand out starkly, hinting at the horrific and the accursed, while the Damned feast on the blood of the innocent with unabated impunity. The scent of violence rides on the stifling night air, heavy with sweat and sorrow, and whispers of things that should not be linger in every alley and abandoned building.

This is Washington, DC.

Under the rule of Prince Ian McShea, the city has grown to be a powerful influence not only in the daylight, but even moreso when dusk falls upon the city. McShea had worked hard to bring allies into this city in hopes of maintaining control through well-placed connections.

What McShea did not plan for however, was the betrayal of those closest to him. The details of what started the battle are sketchy at best, but it has been said that McShea was given no alternative once presented with the betrayal and the enormous affect it held in the situation. McShea however, did not simply give up, but is said to have fought bravely to his Final Death.

McShea's remains have never been accounted for, and some still whisper that McShea is still in this world, though none has been able to confirm nor deny this. It was this incident that sparked the fiercest battle between the clans in the history of the city. As if things were not bad enough, late in the battle a young Nosferatu uncovered information that a portion of their ranks had been infiltrated by members of the Sabbatand those that they had trusted before, had now become their enemies.

Recent History

For decades the conflict between the Sabbat and Camarilla in this great city has remained dormant, but it goes without saying that both sides certainly realize the value of having control.

None is naive to believe this is a permanent state of things however. In the nights the Camarilla hold steadfast in their havens, driven by the sound morale of their fearless leader, Prince Victoria Sterling who, according to sources was handpicked to rule Washington by the Inner Council on the suggestion of several anonymous Justicars.

Of recent, the oddest occurrence seems to have happened within this Prince's city – the slaughter of the Malkavian and Toreador Primogens, which was immediately followed by the flight of the other Primogens. Prince Sterling is said to know the truth behind the incidents, but has remained tight-lipped. Sources close to her claim that it was either a Sabbat-related incident in which she was able to banish the Sabbat from the city –or- that Kemintiri, the most wanted Kindred of The Red List , had begun systematically eliminating their ranks. Prince Sterling however, remained steadfast through the entire incident, quickly replacing the depleted ranks of her council.

Present Day

The Kindred of the city start anew once again after the recent changing of Princes. They are currently led by the rather unique individual, Prince Victoria Sterling (Prince Sterling) of the Toreador Clan. Be wary those who may laugh in her face and call her fool. She has been charged with maintaining strict control and making way for the Camarilla.

Intrigue. Deception. Power. All these things find themselves incorporated in this cold place. Sabbat slime their way through the ranks of the Camarilla. Camarilla use the Masquerade to keep them from the eyes of their cannibalistic brethren. Subtlety is a must in these times. At any moment without warning, both sides could come crashing down on the other. The key to success is secrecy, treachery, and spite.

Now each Neonate, Ancillae, Elder and Human must fend for their own. The Final Nights shine on this city... as each tick of the clock threatens to bring down Gehenna on those of the blood and those unsuspecting. There is a fierce power struggle being pursued within the city ... but it is unseen, as those involved use their influences to gain the footholds they deem worthy.