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March 9, 1977 - March 3, 1994


March 9th, Nineteen-Seventy-Seven
the Lord sent me a gift from Heaven.
Christopher Michael Hodge
was his name.
From that moment on,
my life was never the same.
Chris was a happy baby,
always had a smile.
I could not believe,
God blessed me with this child.
The years flew by,
he grew into a strong little boy.
Chris gave me so much,
such happiness and joy.
Before I knew it, Chris was thirteen.
He still had great love,
though things weren't always serene.
Next thing I knew, Chris was in ninth grade.
His boyhood was gone,it had come to fade.
Chris was growing from a boy into a man,
he would be there for you,he would lend you a hand.
My boy was getting older,it was hard to believe.
I was a mother of a child of sixteen.
Chris was growing up much too fast,
but I knew I couldn't stop it,
it had to come to pass.
March 3rd, Nineteen-Ninety-Four,
I talked two hours to the child I adored.
Chris said, "Come on Mom,
let's talk more for awhile"
but instead I kissed him and
walked away with a smile.
Little did I know that would be
the last moment with my son.
My beautiful "Dupe" your time was done.
I asked God that night to take care of my Chris
He heard me that night, He granted my wish,
even though that's not what I meant.
He took you home - You were mine to lent.
Six days later, you turned ten plus seven.
You were with the Lord,
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Remember me always, you saw me first,
when you opened your eyes
after I gave you birth.
I'll love you forever Mijo, till my time is done
Christopher Michael Hodge, my Beloved Son.       Click for Chris and His Parents

By Elizabeth Hodge, Allen Park, MI