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The Threed Equipment Shop

Winamp(Listen to MIDI's)
The EB Game Text(Orange Kid)
The Mr Saturn Font(EarthBound)
The EB Icons
Project: Guide Book
Threed Band: Go See The World
Yahoo! Skin(will need WinZip to open)

Yahoo!  Skin is complete and up for grabs!  you will 
need WinZip to open the file.  A readme file is 
included to help you get it set up if it's your first 
time working with a skin on Yahoo! Messenger.  Enjoy! 

~Ness 12

This is a poem i found, made by Toaster, of  I found it absolutely HYSTERICAL, and
asked him if i could stick it on my site.  So this is 
it-Ode to the Insignificant Item

Ode to the Insignificant Item

Oh Insignificant Item, you call yourself a present
With your pointless curves, and meaningless price
You really are quite pleasant.
Under my Christmas Tree, and with a bowl of cooked rice
I see you there, all lonely and scared.
So I decided to play with you
Even though my friends stood wide eyed, and stared
Some of them though I had come down with the flu
That fateful fruitful experience, and nonsensical text
Made me feel worm inside
So of my presents, I opened the next
You said "Thank you for noticing me"

And I said, "no more egg nog and EarthBound before bed"
