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Title whats a title?

You will now visit the other sections of my web page

Life is...

That which pretains to me

Sites other then this one

Poems, Stories, etc.

The Media Crypt

Its true, its new, and its a list of rants just for you...all.

Whats up?

07/26/03: Let there be rejoycing! The Magnificant Durgansplat as finally added the final collection of the Digial Ice series. You may now cheer with much glee and admiration.

04/19/03.2: The Magnificant Durgansplat has worked hard today to provide a second section to the collection of photographs taken recently, and placed upon this glorious page.

04/19/03.1: A new section was added recently to share with the world the happenings of an ice storm that occurred in the home of the great and powerful Durgansplat. You will now go to it and gawk with wonderlust and amazement at its greatness.

03/21/03: So, it has been a great lengh of time sence the magnificant Durgansplat has had an update. Well no more! For now, there has been added, a new segment of pictures, though not a large section its content is excellent, and most entertaining!

11/21/02: Salutations citizens, It has been some time sence I, Durgansplat have added anything to this sight. Despite the fact that there were many intentions and even a few attempts to do so. But fret not for I have added a new segment of my spectacular writting to the irk section. As well, if things go as planned the writtings of another may soon join this illustrious page, yet we will have to see about that. Oh and finally Durgansplat has been attempting to spend some time updating and cleaning up his links section so check back on that time to time.

9/14/02: I the great Durgansplat, Have added a new section that I'm rather fond/proud of. Which is funny because it was originally intended to be angry and bitter but ended up more comical and sarcastic. Basicly its about the things that, as was used on the page "irk me" in life. It was suposed to be just a list but has now turned into rants. Well enjoy.

8/19/02: Well how about that, another update? Sorta. I did add a few extra photos to my newest section Just a few from ohio and from party situations and stuff like that. Granted I have lots more, yet I'm not gonna put them all up right now. That would just be superfluous.

8/12/02: So again we reference the earth world Christian calendar system to discover the date. Why comment you ask, because on this day Durgansplat has now added a fifth pictorial section to his websight. It’s not anything that hasn’t been at his sight for some time or that most haven’t seen already, but he has finally put the pictures into an actual page for easier viewing. Enjoy!

The Earth world calendar states the date is 06/10/2002. And so it is written. A new picture was added to the profile, as well as the section having been redone a bit, so as to better your worship of me. Enjoy my childer.

So today is 04/12/02 Not much going about, I realized my facelifting was incomplete and worked on that a bit, bloody typographical errors. Anyhow I wish I could add more pictures and such, like mp3 files, yet slow internet connection + lazy person = poorly updated website. Anyhow, don't forget to worship me in my Dead Journal.

In my world the day is 01/28/02. And in this world I have also been giving my site a bit of a facelift. Mostly just fixing my screw ups. One of the things I did accomplish though was working the "videos page" into working. So all you adoring fans can download some useless mpgs of me. Enjoy!

Hummm...01/25/02. All my apologies to all, for not having upgraded in ohh...far too long for my own good. Yet as of late I have aquired a Dead Journal. From of course none other then the people at So now you may all read about me and my mundane life at a more personal level. (Not that you care.)

Sweet lord, look who bothered to actually start upgrading his page again! Thats right me! The Great Durgansplat. As of 8/16/01 I added a new Poem entitled Lust. Furthermore, I added a few comments told to me via other people I know, to the Life is... section. (Numbers's 2 and 3, 1 and 4 are my own.) Not only that, but I actully revised the bojesu out of Jack the Giant Murderer. Enjoy
