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Am I Losing You??...

You are born stay close...

Not leaving my side...
Here come your first I losing you?...
You toddle away from me with such ease...
But then you turn...glance back at me... and return...

Your first tricycle is here...will I lose you now?...

Will you ride your little heart out...
Never to look back at where you have been?... ride away & then scurry right back to me... stay close...

Your first day of I losing you?...

You are such a big boy now...walking so tall...
But by the end of your wonderful day...
You run to me...calling...
... "Mommy...Mommy" stay close...

Oh!...Your very first dance...

I really think I'm losing you now...
You hold the hand of another...
My hand is is so empty...
Is this the beginning?...I am losing you now?...

Now you have a car...will I lose you now?...

Will you be found in a heap of twisted metal...
On a wet & cold night...all alone?...
I say a prayer each & every time...
I hear your key start that engine...
But you return to & sound...I thank God...
You return only... for me to worry... another day...

Ok!...This is it...I am losing you today...

Your beautiful awaited wedding day...
All you see is "her" now...
You are by "her" side...You hold "her" hand...
You wait for "her" to comfort you...
You stay close...not to me...but to "her" ...

This is it I have really lost are gone...

You live with her now...
far...far...away from me...
She is your new you are hers...
Where have the years gone?...
Just yesterday you were born...
And you were so close...
I sit..I cry...I have lost you...

A knock on my door...
Brings a smile to my lonely face...
You are here...She is here
My face glows with love... When I hear...
"We are both here with you mom...
you now have us both"...
My heart skips a beat...
I never lost you...I smile with joy...

My heart is filled with love, with happiness...

My world is wonderfully complete again...
Now instead of just having you...
I have both of you...
To keep real close to me...

**Donna Shari**

Copyright Donna Shari © 1999
Music.."Am I Losing You?"...

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