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F) In40
A) Am50
S) In40
E) Mn75
R) Am50
I) Mn75
P) Un100

Health: 205 Karma: 225
Resources: Ty Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Linguistics: Am ability to understand all Earth languages
Sonic Blast: Sh-Z damage, with a +1cs to spiritually created constructs. This power is considered to follow the rules for the power "Focus". Zauriel will engage in combat, take physical abuse and suffer injury before using it.
Enhanced Senses: He possesses heightened sense of smell and hearing.
-Enhanced Hearing: Rm
-Enhanced Smell: Can track by a specific odor with In ability
-Telescopic Vision: Am
Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
Winged Flight: Am airspeed.
True Invulnerability: Ex protection vs. all Damaging attacks
Magic: Ex, Zauriel has an innate abiltiy to utilise magic. He has access to most powers and spells

Golden Armor: Un material
-Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-This suit modifies all Physical Abilities by +2cs
Flame Sword: Un material, in Zauriel's hand it ignites with a flaming sheath. This fire is capable of inflicitng In damage to anything it touches.
-Flame Blast: Un intensity flame with the sword with line of sight range.

Talents: Religion, Weapon Specialist: (Flaming Sword)

Contacts: Justice League, Heaven