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Wonder Woman in Amazonian Battle Armor

Wonder Woman

Diana Prince

F) Mn75
A) Mn75
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 350 Karma: 110
Resources: Ex Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Invulnerable to Disease, Toxin & Radiation
Superspeed: Un, Able to do the following power stunts:
-May substitute for fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitute for intuition for initiative.
Flight: Un, CL1000 in atmosphere
Self-Sustenance: Able to survive in Space
Tracking: Rm
Hyper-Running: Ex
Hyper-Swimming: Ex
Enhanced Senses: Wonder Woman's heightened senses are as below:
-Enhanced Hearing: Rm Hearing
-Telescopic Vision: Rm
Animal Telepathy: Am
Animal Empathy: In
Leadership: Rm ability to get her fellow Amazons to follow her cause

Amazonian Battle Armor: CL1000, Un protection vs. Physical, Energy and Magic
Sword: CL1000, Un Edge
Shield: CL1000, able to block up to 120 points of damage, still subject to stuns and slams
Lasso of Truth: Sh-X material, Mn entagglement, if capture, victim must make a Red Psyche FEAT vs. Am Mind Probe
Bracelets: Sh-X material, Able to block up to 90 points of damage by thrown weapons or bullets
Sandals of Hermes: Gives Wonder Woman Ex airspeed Flight
Tiara: Un material, In Thrown Blunt

Talents: Acrobatics, Weaponry: (Melee), Animal Training, Ancient Languages, Greek Mythology, Leadership, All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Pilot, Marksmanship, Weapon Specialist: (Lasso of Truth and Tiara), First Aid, Tumbling, Wrestling, Occult Lore, History: (Roman and Greek), Psychology, Medicine, Horsemanship, Swimming

Contacts: Themyscira, Hippolyta, Artemis, Troia, Wonder Girl, Helena Sandsmark