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Ultra the Multi-Alien

Ultra the Multi-Alien

Ace Arn

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) In40
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 180 Karma: 110
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Multiple Alien Parts: Ultra was shot by four aliens from different planet, each with a ray gun to try to turn him into one of them. Because all hit him at the same time, he was changed to have one quarter of his body resemble the four aliens, giving him the following abilities:
-Upper Right Torso: The upper right of his body was green, hairy, and strong. This give him Claws that deal Ex Edge
-Upper Left Torso: The upper left was blue and had Magnetic Control with Am ability.
-Right Leg: His right leg was like a bird's, with a small wing that enabled him to fly at Am airspeed.
-Left Leg: His left leg was a bolt of lightning that allows him to fire bolts of Am Electric up to 5 areas away.
-Total Recall: Am, Ultra is limited to accessing the memories of alien races that fused to create Ultra.


Talents: Pilot, Astro-Navigation

Contacts: None