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The Titans

Trigon makes a series of attacks on every member, former or current, of the Teen Titans, and Trigon has 'another child' that, unlike Raven, will assist him in his attack. After reclaiming Titans Island and establishing a headquarters on the East River, Cyborg set out to create an East Coast Titans team. However, during a training session the team was brutally massacred by an unseen evil force. Though Cyborg survived the attack, Titans members past and present were attacked by demonic entities across the globe. Raven, sensing Trigon's presence once again, called upon her former Titans allies to defeat her fiendish father.

But after rescuing several Titans and questioning Trigon himself, the Titans learned that Trigon himself was not behind the attacks but rather has three children to prepare his second invasion for him. After investigating potential carriers of his children, the Titans realize the bestial assaults were actually orchestrated by Raven's three grown half brothers – Jacob, Jared and Jesse. Working together as a team, the Titans thwarted the Sons of Trigon and prevented Trigon's invasion plan. Following this adventure, Raven chose her adopted family over her biological family and Red Arrow decided to join his former teammates (although both he and Flash retain their JLA membership) - and the Titans were together as a team once again.

The team later settled themselves down at Titans Tower (supposedly the New York base), where they attempt to recover from recent events. While Dick and Kory attempt to make a decision on where their current relationship will lead, Raven and Beast Boy go out together on a "not-a-date". During this, Raven reveals that since she faced her brothers, she has begun to feel as if she is losing control and slipping back under the thrall of her father's powers. Although Beast Boy rejects the idea, he is unexpectedly blind-sided as Raven gives in to her darker side, under the influence of her half-brother's coaxing. Using her teleporting powers, she and the Sons of Trigon vanish, leaving a distraught Beast Boy behind to warn the others. Using a gem stone that carries Raven's pure essence within it, the Titans manage to free Raven of her father's evil, although there will always be the possibility of it happening again. As a result, Raven leaves each Titan with an amulet that can be used to cleanse any evil influence from her body.

Recently, Jericho, still inhabiting the body of Superboy's clone, Match, arrives, frantically asking for help due to the fact he cannot separate himself from Match's body.

Donna Troy
Red Arrow

Former Members:
The Flash III
Beast Boy


Villainous Groups:
The Sons of Trigon
Terror Titans