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The creature seemed to first become one with Rayner when he lost his girlfriend Alex. He unconsciously expelled all his feelings of rage from himself, which took form as Oblivion, a being of energy that eventually manifested itself in the form of one of Kyle's childhood nightmares. Kyle defeated Oblivion in the Circle of Fire storyline, and was able to tap into that power. However, his power seemed to be getting stronger without his knowing it. It would be logical to assume that Ion's power began affecting him around this time.

As Ion, Kyle was bestowed with god-like powers. He was able to project himself in dozens of different places at the same time and has a limitless amount of energy.

Large contributions from the creature included giving Kyle the power to recharge the Central Battery on Oa. With the power he had, he formed new Guardians whom Ganthet looked after as he taught them the protocols and responsibilities of being members of the Guardians of the Universe. He used all the extra power he had to fully recharge the battery, thus allowing for the eventual return of the Green Lantern Corps. Not long after the rebirth of Hal Jordan, the Corps began being active once again due in large part to Kyle and the creature's symbiotic relationship.

After a period of time as a regulation Green Lantern, Kyle was bestowed with the power of Ion once again and was labelled as the true Torchbearer for the Guardians. This new manifestation of Ion is not as strong as the first one which affected Kyle, due to the fact that he relinquished much of his power to rebuild the Corps and bring back the Guardians. Currently however, the Ion creature was forcefully extracted from Kyle and imprisoned on Qward by the newly established Sinestro Corps. Upon expelling Ion from Rayner, Sinestro himself forced Kyle into the domain of Parallax, who invaded his body and forcefully bonded with him.

Ion is currently in the captivity of the Anti-Monitor, the cosmic entity attempting to draw Ion's power to himself. However, the Lost Lanterns broke Ion free and have returned it to Oa.

Current Form:
Ion II

Other Forms of Ion:
The Ion Entity