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The Supermen of America

The young members of the superhero team Supermen of America are all young metahumans gathered by Outburst after the shooting death of singer Junior K-D from the boy band Crossfire. Outburst and his family had been saved from death at Doomsday's hands by Superman. The young naive meta is willing to accept Lex Luthor's funding for a team of superheros to protect the city in Superman's absence. Although Luthor volunteered money, Outburst is tasked with recruiting the members.

Outburst first recruits his girlfriend White Lotus, a young meta trained by the Warlords of Okaara, then he gathers Brahma, Loser, Pyrogen, and Psilencer. They were salaried heroes but they were determined to protect the city from villains emboldened by news of Superman's apparent death.

They refurbish buildings across Metropolis and turn them into community centers. The main building Outreach 1 serves as the team's headquarters. After Psilencer's untimely death by a gang member, Outburst and his inexperienced teammates are deeply shaken and reconsider their vocation. It was around this time that the team met and recruits Maximum, the angry young protector of Suicide Slum, a chronically poor section of Metrpolis. A former athlete, Maximum would have remained quadripelegic without special implants provided by Lexcorp.

A disgruntled Lexcorp employee discovers that S.T.A.R. Labs had hidden a capsule inside a special holding chamber called Lockdown 6 in the waters near Metropolis. Luthor successfully deploys Pyrogen to retrieve the capsule from Lockdown 6, but he encounters the villainous group Deep Six and is rebuffed. Darkseid, lord of Apokolips, also wanted the contents of Lockdown 6 and had sent the Deep Six to retrieve them. In the Vega system, the Warlords of Okaara sense the danger presented by the capsule, and take preventative measures.

The Okaarans overpower Earth's defensive forces and White Lotus hurries to negotiate a peace settlement before they "cleanse' the planet. To save Earth from worse attacks, while White Lotus was negotiating with the Okaarans, the chamber is opened and the Unimaginable was unleashed. The Unimaginable's energy form possesses Maximum and he temporarily gains immense power. Maximum's parents eventually convinced him to relinquish the power, which he disperses safely.

In exchange for the Supermen's silence about his involvement with the Unimaginable fiasco, Lexcorp cuts its ties with the Supermen of America charities. Lex Luthor signs all property deeds over to the organization, including Outreach 1.

White Lotus

Former Members: