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Dr. Emil Hamilton

F) Rm30/Pr4
A) Rm30/Pr4
S) Mn75/Pr4
E) Mn75/Ty6
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 210/18 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Hyper-Intelligence: Ex

Ruin Armor: In material, Ruin wears a power suit that provides the followinf power stunts:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Energy Absorption: Circuitry may absorb up to an Un amount of energy each round for 4 rounds. Up to 4 rounds of Un Energy, or 400 points of potential energy damage, may be so stored. Stored energy may be redirected through the Energy Blasts, inflicting up to Un Energy until the excess is depleted. Stored energy retained beyond 4 rounds can damage circuitry. Make an Endurance FEAT roll or energy is discharged, inflicting Gd damage to Ruin. All forms of non-concussive energy may be stored within the armor, including heat and light energy.
-Energy Blast: In Energy, 10 areas
-Red Sunlight Emitter: Am ability to remove powers from Kryptonians
-Teleportation: Mn ability to enter the Phantom Zone at will.
-Self-Destruct: If the suit is forcibly removed from Ruin's body, it self-destructs causing Am Edge to 1 area

Talents: Bionics, Cybernetics, Electronics, Engineering, Weapons Design

Contacts: Society