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F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 220 Karma: 80
Resources: Am Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Mn
Regeneration: In
Empathy: Am
Energy Manipulation: Mn ability to manipulate energy with the following power stunts:
-Energy Constructs: Mn
-Energy Shield: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
Hyper Speed: Powerboy possesses hyperspeed at Un rank. She may:
-Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
-Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-Substitute for Intuition for initiative.

Mother Box

Talents: Martial Arts B, Melee Weapons

Contacts: Teen Titans, Little Barda, Supergirl