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F) Mn75
A) Mn75
S) Mn75
E) CL3000
R) Mn75
I) Mn75
P) Un100

Health: 3225 Karma: 250
Resources: CL1000 Pop: -100

Known Powers:
True Invulnerability: Am protection vs. any attack except Magic
Aura of Fear: Mn
Force Manipulation: Sh-X
Magical Abilities: Mn unless stated otherwise:
-Shape-Shifting, Unlimited: gaining stats and abilities but retaining health.
-Imitation: Un, he does not gain powers or abilities.
-Matter Rearrangement and Transformation: Un
-Animate Objects: Un
-Eldritch Bolts: Mn, 10 areas.
-Personal Shield: Mn
-Enhancement: With a Psyche FEAT, Neron may increase abilities of others. Enchantment can be permanent if the target negotiates his soul with Neron:
--White: 2 abilities +2CS
--Green: 3 abilites +3CS, 1 random power
--Yellow: 3 abilities +3CS, 2 random powers
--Red: 4 abilities +3CS, 3 random powers
-Dimensional Travel: Mn to the Underworld or Earth
-Life Protection: Kill results do not harm Neron.

Jar of Souls: Sh-X material, Sh-X ability to drain the soul of a victim. The Jar of Souls is the source Of Neron's power. If the Jar of Souls is broken, the character that broke it is attacked by its spiritual drain for 3 turns; if Karma is reduced to 0, he is drained and the Jar of Souls is recreated intact.

Talents: Occult Lore and Background

Contacts: The Demons Three