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Mirror Master

Mirror Master

Evan McCulloch

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 70 Karma: 60
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:

Illusions: Using mirrors, he has created realistic 3-dimensional images of Mn rank.
Mirror Gun: Am Energy, 7 areas. He can also use the gun to create a blinding light of In intensity.
Teleportation: using a mirror or mirror-like surface, Mirror Master teleports himself and/or others anywhere he wants with Un ability and range. He does this by just stepping into the mirror or mirror like surface.
Dimensional teleportation: Using a mirror or reflective surface, Mirror Master and others can enter mirror worlds, pocket universes that fade in and out of reality within reflective objects. He does this with Mn ability.

Talents: Weapon Master (Mirror Gun), Mirrors, Photonics, Dimensional Physics.

Contacts: The Rogues' Gallery