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F) In40
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) In40

Health: 175 Karma: 100
Resources: Am Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Force Field: Am, Maxima can create a personal force field fitting closely over her skin. It incorporates a micro-environment of Un level, capable of sustaining her life even in outer space and provides protection of:
-Mn vs. Energy Attacks
-Am vs. Physical Attacks
Telekinesis: Un
-Enhancing Strength: Maxima may use her telekinetic abilities to supplement her physical strength. She may temporarily use her Telekinesis rank to her strength, giving her Un strength. This does not increase her health.
-Flight: Mn airspeed
Telepathy: Mn
-Mind Probe: Mn
-Project Illusion: Am ability to project illusions directly into a target's mind.
-Mental Blast: Mn ability to send out a wave of psionic force. These blasts directly affect a targets mind and ignore body armor.
-Neural Manipulation (Paralysis): Maxima may cause a target's body to become completely rigid with Am ability by use of her mind alone.
Heat Vision: Am Energy, 10 areas

Talents: Leadership, Pilot, Weapons Master

Contacts: Almerac, Massacre, JLA