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Emily "Lia" Briggs

F) Gd10
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) In40

Health: 130 Karma: 90
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Telepathy: Mn ability, Looker is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Mind Probe: Am
-Illusions: Rm
-Mental Blast: Am
Telekinesis: Am, Looker can perform th following power stunts:
-Force Field: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
Vampire: Looker has been transformed into a vampire. Her very body gives her the following abilities:
-Resistance to Physical: Am, but not to Stuns and Slams
-Regeneration: Ex
-Transformation: Looker is able to transform into the following:
--Mist-Like Cloud: Fe Flight and able to pass through tight spaces
--Bat: Gd Bite and Ty Flight
-Summoning and Controlling: Ex ability to summon and control bats, wolves and rats
-Vampire Bite: Ty Edge each turn. If the victim is not slain, they remain weak (-1cs on all FEATs) until a weekly Endurance FEAT is made, and subject to Looker’s telepathic commands


-Blood Dependency: Deprivation of blood results in weakness (-1cs on all stats every two days) and an overwhelming desire for blood. Upon seeing blood, Looker failing a Psyche FEAT automatically attacks
-Direct Sunlight: The rays of the sun or attacks which duplicate solar radiation causes Am damage to Looker. If reduced to 0 Health, Looker turns to ash
-Religious Objects
-Mirrors: Looker must make a Psyche FEAT to avoid smashing a mirror
-Houses: Looker is bound from entering a dwelling unless freely invited.
-Silver: Silver weaponry can inflict normal damage on Looker
-Wood: A wooden stake or blade produces an automatic “Kill” against Looker on a Red result
-Permanent Destruction: Three methods to kill Looker forever are: exposure to sunlight or piercing her heart, beheading, burning, then scattering the ashes

Talents: Fashion, Resist Domination

Contacts: Batman, The Outsiders