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F) Un100
A) In40
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) In40
I) In40
P) Un100

Health: 340 Karma: 180
Resources: Gd Pop: -100

Known Powers:
Immortality: Lobo cannot permanently be killed because he has been barred from both heaven and hell. He's as indestructible as you can get, and an astoundingly efficient brawler and street fighter. Simply put, he's a juggernaut of wanton destruction and ultra-violent rampage, who can probably beat up anything this side of Darkseid.
Invulnerabilities: CL1000 resistance to Heat and Cold.
Self-Sustenance: Lobo can survive the vacuum of space. He may hold his breathe for days but eventually will need to breath.
Tracking: CL3000, He can track his victims clear across the universe.
Weakness Detection: Un
True Invulnerability: Un
Hyper-Leaping: Un
Regeneration: Un, he has healed himself back from his remaining cells found in carnivorous snail dung.
Hyper-Running: In

Hook and Chain: CL1000 material, Un Edge or Entanglement
Frag Grenades: Range from Gd to Un damage.
Bolter Gun: Un Shooting, 80 areas

Talents: Marksmanship, All Combat Skills, Business/Finance

Contacts: Anyone who would hire him

Lobo's Spazfragg 666

Spazfragg 666:
-Control: Ex
-Speed: CL1000 airspeed
-Body: Un
-Protection: Ex

Weapons System:
-Gear Cases: It has a tool kit, explosives kit (In intensity) and a small case for a spare pistol and ammo
-Radar Sense: Un
-Ram: +2cs when charging and Spazfragg 666 provides Lobo with Un protection against any damage he might take.