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The Fortress of Solitude

Superman’s secret sanctuary is bigger than it appears, yet the Man of Steel can balance the containment sphere housing his “Fortress of Solitude” on the tip of one finger. Originally conceived as a safe repository for preserving Kryptonian culture and artifacts, Superman utilizes the Fortress – now housed inside an infinite interdimensional space – as an occasional escape from the demands of heroism. Hidden high atop a mountain ledge, the Fortress remains safe and secure, accessible only to the Last Son of Krypton and his closest allies.

Sinced the fixed location of his previous Antarctic Fortress made it an easy target, Superman appreciates his now mobile refuge. Only Superman is strong enough to align the sphere’s complex puzzle-plates. The now-mobile Fortress was relocated somewhere in the Andes.

The current Fortress is home to Krypto and his dog-sitter "Ned" (the last remaining Superman robot), and contains the current version of Kandor, a portal to the Phantom Zone, Kryptonian and alien artifacts, and holographic images of Jor-El and Lara. The caretaker of the Fortress is Kelex, a Kryptonian robot that is a descendant of the robot that served Jor-El.

However, Superman recently recovered a piece of Kryptonian sunstone, which Lex Luthor had used to awaken an ancient Kryptonian warship. Superman revealed that the sunstone had been sent with him from Krypton, and used it to construct a new Fortress in the Arctic. He nevertheless plans to restore the Peruvian Fortress, even if compromised and no longer in a secret location, and plan more Fortresses around the world, reachable to the mass as a public frontend.

Statue of Jor-El and Lara

Thirty-foot statues created by Superman in honor of his birth parents watch over the entrance to various living quarters.

Sunstone Simulator

Created out of the sunstone memory crystals sent with Superman to Earth, this databank holds historical and scientific knowledge of Krypton. Hosted by a simulation of his father, Jor-El, the extra-terrestrial computer is Superman's most valuable and cherished heirloom.

Interplanetary Habitat

Across the universe, Superman has rescued an array of extraterrestrial animals on the verge of extinction including the Thought-Beast, the Duplorian Hawk, the Metal Boar and the Black Mercy.

The Bottled City of Kandor

Named after the fabled Kryptonian city of Kandor, this diverse metropolis of extra-terrestrial races was shrunken down utilizing Coluan science and kept by the wizard Tolos until Superman rescued it.

The Phantom Zone Projector

After discovering an extradimensional void, Jor-El fought against the council's death penalty laws and developed the Phantom Zone Projector. There is a view screen able to peer into the various depth of the Phantom Zone.

Trophy Room and Museum

Superman's private collection of relics from his adventures and statues of his family, friends and enemies from the past, present and future.

Super-Science Lab

Within these walls, Superman performs secret and mysterious experiments in an attempt to cure Mon-El's lead-poisoning, enlarge the city of Kandor and negate his own vulnerability to kryptonite.

Interplanetary Habitat

This room contains the confiscated weapons of Superman's enemies. Within this heavily guarded area, Superman studies them, hoping to find something of societal value in their technology.

Atomic Cauldron

The most powerful furance in the world fuels the Fortress of Solitude. Due to the high temperatures, the liquefied sunstone crystal core is operated and cared for by Superman Robots.

Those who live in the Fortress:
The Eradicator

Equipment of the Fortress of Solitude:
Phantom Zone Projector
Mother Box
Kryptonian Warsuit

The Puzzle-Globe Fortress of Solitude

The South America Fortress of Solitude