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Doctor Cyber

Doctor Cyber

Cylvia Anita Cyber

F) In40/Gd10
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Mn75/Gd10
E) Un100/Gd10
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Ty6

Health: 245/36 Karma: 66
Resources: Mn Pop: 35

Known Powers:

Battle Armor: Dr. Cyber's Armor enables her the following abilities shown below:
-Alter-Ego: Stats are changed as above
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Energy Absorption: Armor has ability to absorb up to Un Energy per round for up to 4 rounds. Absorbed Energy can be redirected into any of the armor's weapon systems, raising that ability score by +1cs above it's maximum ability for 4 rounds or until the 400 points of energy has been depleted. Each round beyond 4 that energy is stored requires Yellow Endurance FEAT or energy is discharged in 1 area radius, including armor's wearer, inflicting Rm damage. Armor provides no protection in this case.
-Flight: In airspeed and still perform most actions.
-Energy Blast: Am Energy or Force, up to 10 areas.

Talents: Bionics, Cybernetics, Electronics, Engineiring

Contacts: None