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The Daxamites

Possessed of genome similar to that of Kryptonians, Daxamites, when exposed to the radiant light of a yellow sun gain powers and abilities similar to that of Superman, including super strength, flight, near-invulnerability, super-senses, and super-speed, heat and x-ray visions. Millennia ago, the Daxamites were a group of Kryptonians who decided to wander the universe in exploration. The Eradicator however altered their DNA, giving them a fatal allergy to Lead (instead of Kryptonite), so that if they persisted in their wanderlust they would die. Settling on a planet with no lead content at all, they formed a society nearly as advanced as the Kryptonians, as such Daxam is nearly unrivaled in the areas of science and technology.

Daxamites were first encountered during the Invasion crisis, when a number of alien world took an interest in Earth for it’s propensity to breed numerous super-powered beings. The Dominators, looking to create an army for their own purposes, contacted the aquatic Gil’Dishpan, the brutish Khunds, the fascist Thanagarians, the shape-shifting Durlans, the warlike Okaarians, malevolent Psions, and the logical Daxamites. All species agreed to invade Earth, except the Daxamites who sent an observation team, refusing to take part in any of the fighting.

Once the invasion force had established a beachhead in Australia, the Daxamite observation group began to exhibit wondrous abilities. Drunk on the power the seven of them engaged the leader of a resistance assault group, Superman, beating him nearly senseless. They fought for several minutes but then the exertion of the fighting and being exposed to such high contents of lead in earth’s atmosphere left the Daxamites dying. Only the quick thinking of Superman saved the Observation group’s lives.

The Daxamites at that moment realized they were on the wrong side. One of their number sacrificed his life to radio the Daxamite Starfleet to involve itself in this unjust invasion. Involve itself it did, within minutes many Daxamite science vessels moved to intercept Dominion warships, which the Dominion found laughable until the crews left the confines of their ships and attacked. Thousands of Super-men acting in defense of Earth, it turned the tide of the invasion.

Known Daxamites:
Lar Gand
Sodam Yat