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Vril Dox

F) Am50
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Am50
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 300 Karma: 140
Resources: Rm Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
12th Level Intellect: The massive intellect allows Brainiac to perform the following power stunts:
-Calculations: Un
-Enhanced Memory: Un
-Hyper-Invention: Mn ability to comprehend/design/repair technology
Telepathy: Am, Brainiac is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Possession: Mn ability to possess another person or being
-Computer Link: Brainiac is able to link with computer systems, guarded or otherwise at Mn intensity. He may use this ability to scour computer files, access security records, see through security cameras, see through survelliance satellites. This power is still being defined and as such may be evolving still.
-Multi-Task: Brainiac is able perform up to 3 non-die-roll actions simultaneous to any other declared combat actions. For example, while fighting, he can scan area, access data-files and control his ship.
-Self-Healing: Brainiac is not affected by kill results and can function normally at -1CS when below 0 health although he must make an End FEAT to do so. If sufficient energy is available he can heal up to 30 damage per round but he cannot do anything else. This ability is negated if more than half his body is destroyed.
-Immortality: Brainiac's memories can be downloaded into new bodies so he is effectively immortal. This power will not work if no new bodies are available.

Headset: Brainiac possess a special headset that allows him to link directly with his ship computer and through it with his ship. Braniac can fire any number of his ship's internal weapons in addition to taking his normal round's actions. While linked, Brainiac can spend his own Karma on ship feat rolls.
Spinal Station: While traveling through space or enhancing his own body, Brainiac presides within his Spinal Station. It gives him the following abilities:
-Self-Sustenance: While in the Bio-Shell, Brainiac doesn't need to eat
Spinal Station:

Talents: Resist Domination, Computers, All Scientific Skills

Contacts: None