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Dr. Curtis "Curt" Falconer

F) In40/Ty6
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Ex20/Ty6
E) Ex20/Ty6
R) Rm30/Gd10
I) Gd10
P) In40/Ex20

Health: 110/24 Karma: 20
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Helmet: Mn material, In protection from blunt attack, gives Aztek the following abilities:
-Enhanced Hearing: Am Hearing
-Enhanced Vision: Am X-Ray/Telescopic/Infrared
-Communications: Am
Magic Mirror: Mn material, gives Aztek the following power stunts:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Energy Blasts: In Energy, 7 areas
-Invisibility: Am
Costume: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Acrobatics, Martial Arts A, C, Medicine

Contacts: Q Foundation, Justice League of America