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The Olympian

F) Mn75
A) Mn75
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 350 Karma: 110
Resources: Ex Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
Invulnerable to Disease, Toxin and Radiation
Super-Speed: Un, Able to perform the following power stunts:
-May substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitute for Intuition for Initiative.
Self-Sustenance: Able to survive in Space
Tracking: Rm
Hyper-Running: Ex
Hyper-Swimming: Ex
Enhanced Senses: The Olympian's heightened senses are as below:
--Enhanced Hearing: Rm Hearing
--Telescopic Vision: Rm
Immortality: Due to his heart once belonging to Kane Milohai, Achilles cannot be killed by stabbing him in the heart, though he does experience trauma associated with such wounds.

Spear of Athena: CL1000 material, Un Edge

Talents: Acrobatics, Melee Weapons, Ancient Languages, Greek Mythology, Leadership, All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Pilot, Marksmanship, Weapon Specialist: (Spear of Athena), Occult Lore, History: (Roman and Greek), Psychology, Horsemanship, Swimming

Contacts: Zeus, Olympians, Mysia