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Spring Break



Your best friend ______ came up to you and handed you $1500 with the only stipulation that the two of you go on vacation next week together.  Who could argue?  With this paper you will tell us the details of your dream vacation.


1                   WORD

Write a 125 or more word paper telling us the following items


A how did you come about taking this dream trip?

B where are you going (assume getting there is by car and no problem)

C tell us what you will do there?



2                   EXCEL        Itinerary/ Expenses     Where are you headed?

A gasoline @1.30 a gallon

B rooms @ 75. a night?

C food @ $ 15.00 a day

D miscellaneous expenses for things to do


                    Pick an actual place to stay

          Lay out this chart as an expense sheet….what each portion of the trip will cost

                    We need to the total cost and do not forget to come home!!



3                   INTERNET 

A give me detailed directions

B a map of the destination

C find a motel in your area