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Special Thanks...

A special thanks goes to the following people...

  • Angelfire/Lycos...
    For providing people like me with an ample amount of free webpage space...

  • Jason Learned...
    For the endless amount of pictures he sends me...

  • Robert Czpryna...
    For his great amount of info he provides me with...

  • The Buskid...
    For all her great Crown photos and info...

  • David Harkness...
    For the many bus photos, ranging from the southern East Coast into Quebec.

  • The great people at Thomas...
    For all the great help and info about my bus and its parts...

  • My Home School District...
    For all their help with my bus and maintaining all their buses very well so that we can all have a safe ride...

  • To the fire cheifs of the Bootjack and Allouez Fire Departments...
    For preparing their fire buses for me to take photos of...

  • To Mr. Garvin at Garvin's Towing...
    For being a great family friend and for letting me take photos of his buses...

  • Also to all my viewers for making this page what it is!
