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Fanfic by Michelle

Welcome to my page, after a long time away, I'm back and I've revamped it. I've decided that I'll only house my Harry Potter fanfic here. I might change my mind about that, eventually, but for now I think that's best. So, take a look around and I hope you like what you see!

The Marauder's Map

The Potions Room
The home of my Severus Snape fanfictions. Everything here is Snape-centric. Mostly Snape/Lily, but there are a few other morsels in here.

The Slytherin Dungeon
The home of my Slytherin-dominated stories. The stories here mainly center on a certain blonde, but there are few exceptions to that rule. A few different pairings rest here, there's some Draco/Hermione, Draco/Harry and Draco/Ginny, among others.

The Quidditch Pitch
This is where my Harry muse lives. All these fics focus on Harry and mainly tend to lean towards angst. Lot's of Harry/Hermione and Harry/Draco. Some other pairings, but mainly those two.

The Library
This is the hiding place of my Hermione stories. Hermione is the character who speaks to me the most often, so this is a fairly crowded spot. Lot's of angst and heartbreak. Mainly H/Hr.

The Gryffindor Tower
This is the hideout for Gryffindors other than Harry, Hermione, and Ginny (see below). It's mainly Ron-fic in here, but there are a few exceptions. I like to experiment.

The Burrow
This is my home for fanfics focusing on the other memebers of the Weasley family besides Ron. The stories here mainly focus on Ginny, who could reside in the tower, I suppose, but, I thought she'd be more comfortable here.

The Portal to the Past
This is the home for my as-of-now AU series, Friends and Memories which focuses on Elaine Finnegan and the other friends of Lily Evans.

The Head Girl's Room
This is the section dedicated to Lily Evans, the girl who would beome Lily Potter. Some Severus/Lily, some James/Lily.

The Mirror of Erised
The home of what might have been. This where my alternate reality stories live. Reality has no meaning here.

The Great Hall
This is basically the home of everything I couldn't find a place for. This is my other Hogwarts-character center fanfics, the one's that couldn't be sorted into the other categories. Very ecclectic.

#12 Grimwauld
This is the place for the adult generation. For the Order and their ilk. There are a few Death Eater stories in the midst, but I didn't know where to place them, so they went here. This is a mixed group, pretty interesting.

Privet Drive
The home of my Durseley fanfics. Mainly Petunia. Lot's of angst and bitterness.

The Crystal Ball
Glimpses of upcoming fanfics or chapters from my current works in progresses.
