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Thank you for visiting my image site. This site is available as a source of backgrounds and images for use on web pages and in E-mail Backgrounds.

I wish to thank Dragonfire56, Jim-1701, Lady Romulan, Star Trek Fan, Trishben and James T. Kirk (no, not that one) for the images and help they have given me to make the following pages posssible.

Please do NOT link to these images. Download or transload whenever possible. Thank You

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Star Trek Images (new 10/15/00)

Images of Dragons, Knights, Wizards & Unicorns

Backgrounds, Assorted

My Virtual Garden

M'Lady Dragon's Garden

Links to some great Image sites

My Star Trek Photos

My Favorite's Index

My Home Page

Planet WebTV Millennium 

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All images were donated or taken from the web with permission of the webmaster. Others are considered to be "Public Domain". If any copyrighted material appears without the permission of the owner, e-mail me at Bones McCoy, and it will be removed.

This is a free site and none of the images may be used "For Profit" or on money making sites.